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  DLP-240    Processor
   Technical specifications:
型号: DLP-240
处理模块: 输入/输出都带有延时,贝塞尔和雪弗滤波器, 输出带有延时,高/低通滤波器和RMS限幅器
参数均衡器: 每个输入通道都有5个滤波器可设定为贝塞尔或雪弗滤波器每个输出通道都有7个滤波器可设定为贝塞尔或雪弗滤波器
滤波器的类型: 对称的贝塞尔或高/低雪弗滤波器, 可延续到二阶
滤波器增益: 贝塞尔和雪弗的增益调节范围为:-15dBu ~+15dBu,步进精度为:0.5dBu
中心频率: 在20Hz~20kHz频带范围内以1/24倍频程的步进精度可供调节
滤波器: Q值/带宽: 范围为:0.05~3,步进精度为:0.05 (dB/oct)
高通滤波器: 频率: 20Hz~20kHz 斜率:-6dB/Oct到-24dB/Oct可选(类型:巴特沃斯,林奎茨-瑞利,贝塞尔,可选)
低通滤波器: 频率: 20Hz~20kHz 斜率:-6dB/Oct到-24dB/Oct可选(类型:巴特沃斯,林奎茨-瑞利,贝塞尔,可选)
分辨率为: 1/24 倍频程
限幅器: RMS限幅器
启控阈值: 范围:20dBu~-10dBu
启控时间范围: 5毫秒~200毫秒,在5毫秒~20毫秒区间,步进精度为:1毫秒在20毫秒~100毫秒区间,步进精度为:10毫秒,在100毫秒~200毫秒区间,步进精度为:20毫秒
释放时间范围: 0.1秒~3秒,步进精度为:0.1秒
最大延时: 848.998ms,步进精度为:21us
   Product Features:
DLP-240: is a 2 into 4 out of the speakers processor. Two input level consists of 6 level light +1 lamps are arranged to form cutting. 4 output light is composed of 5 level light +1 cut lamp +1 limiting lamp arrangement. The machine has 2 analog inputs, 1 vertical acoustic digital input and 4 output. Each input has 5 parameters of filter, each output has 7 segments of filter parameters. The input and output filter can be selected for Bessel or Chebyshev filter. High output and low pass filter at 24dB/Oct. Output limiting pressure limit is RMS. Limiting THR range up to -30dBu. 22Us step, each input and output channels with up to 850ms of delay. Have the function of linking between the input and output. When the machine is installed the machine when change the parameters, this function allows ramps to close the output level. When the need for on-site demonstration and parameters need small change, can cancel the function to set the operation. To the remote control PC software allows simultaneous connection of 32 machines.

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